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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Forexnews.com was created in January 1999 and is committed to enhancing public knowledge about the foreign exchange markets. The site offers the latest insights and analysis in currency markets, freely available to traders and researchers alike.

Forexnews.com's unique combination of fundamentals and technicals, along with its pioneering approach to the FX market, gives it the information edge. Forexnews.com is the longest-standing on-line source of credible, timely and accurate information in FX world.

Forexnews.com's staff of analysts has gained recognition from highly placed media sources, both inside and outside of the US. Its analysts are regularly cited in Bloomberg TV, Reuters TV, The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, The Financial Times and Investor's Business Daily.

Dynamic Coverage

Forexnews.com keeps readers abreast of the latest developments in FOREX throughout the 24-hour trading day, with a series of market previews and summaries. These pieces involve a wrap-up of the major news, with a forward-looking assessment of key market developments and their implications for the major currency pairs.

Insightful Editorials

Forexnews.com analysts produce insightful editorials on the key topics dominating the major currency pairs. The articles combine astute analysis of the short and long term implications, with command of both theoretical and practical issues in the global market place.

Technical Analysis & Graphics

Forexnews.coms charting of the major currency pairs and crosses is accompanied by key technical analysis. Real-time charts provide weekly, daily, hourly, and 5 minutes time frames. You can also find a multitude of professional advisory services with different distinct emphases.

Comprehensive Calendars

Forexnews.com allows readers to remain on top of the fast moving developments in the FX market. The Calendar gives the agenda for the week's primary economic indicators and financial events impacting the US, Japan, UK and Eurozone.

Forums and Questionnaires

Forexnews.com is always interested in what your thoughts are regarding the FX market. Whether you want to voice your opinions on a recent interest rate hike, or would like to participate in a discussion on the Eurozone economy, Forexnews.com provides you with multiple options to get your message across.

Search Capabilities and Archives

Forexnews.com articles can be tracked back to January 1999, when the site was created. The archives enable users to fully understand the development of key global market trends over time and space (markets). This offers a valuable perspective on how the current Forex picture came to be, and enables one to keep a well balanced approach between the practical and the academic.

Practical Forex Guides

Unique and practical guides of the principal currency pairs are offered to those wanting to trade in the Forex market or; to do some research. The guides identify the key players (institutions and officials) in the Forex market and the economic variables most pertinent to the currency pairs.

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